
Medical emergencies are defined as situations requiring immediate or emergency medical treatment due to an illness or other medical condition. Medical emergencies can be life threatening or result in long term effects on the person.



  • 一定要先打911, 和 immediately follow that call with a call to campus security. 告诉911接线员紧急情况的性质, 你的名字, 楼名 , 你的电话号码是多少?. 保持通话.
  • Send someone to meet emergency first responders so they can bring them to the emergency location.
  • 使用你的移动电话扬声器. Listen for instructions or coaching from the 911 operator. NEVER move an injured person unless leaving them there is a life threatening situation. Moving an injured person can cause more harm or injury to that person.

Even if you are not trained to h和le an emergency or know first aid, there are things you can do that might save someone’s life or keep them from injuring themselves further.


If someone experiences light headedness or has fainted have them lay horizontally on the floor or ground. This reduces the risk of them falling down leading to possible head injuries or broken bones.


If you are concerned about exposure to body fluids or blood borne pathogens, you can wear personal protective equipment or use latex or rubber gloves if available. If latex or rubber gloves are not available find a plastic bag or piece of plastic wrap to cover the wound. 永远不要把自己或他人的健康置于危险之中.

首先,找到出血的源头. You may have to remove clothing from the victim to find the source of bleeding.

Second, apply direct 和 heavy/firm pressure to the source of bleeding. Maintain pressure on the wound until medical authorities arrive or treat the patient.

Third, if bleeding continues you may have to apply a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. A tourniquet should be applied approximately two inches above the wound until it compresses the artery 和 the bleeding stops. A belt, piece of cord or nylon strap, a scarf, or bungee cord can all be used as a tourniquet.


把病人放在地上或地板上. 用枕头或衬垫把病人围起来. It is important to protect the person’s head as seizures are powerful 和 can harm a person’s head 和 neck.

After the seizure ends, place the person on their side so the airway remains open. 这被称为“恢复体位”.” After a seizure, the tongue can be limp 和 sometimes block the airway. 让对方站在自己这边可以防止这种情况发生.


如果有人表现出心脏病发作的迹象.e., 胸部疼痛, 手臂麻木, 下巴疼痛, 恶心想吐, 呼吸急促(气促), or experiences the sensation of pressure on the chest, 他们可能是心脏病发作了. 让他们坐下来休息. 用力会使情况恶化. If aspirin is available have them CHEW 325 mg of aspirin, or four tablets of low dosage aspirin. Chewing the aspirin will get it in the bloodstream faster than swallowing it.


中风s are caused basically by blood clots to the brain. The acronym FAST is used to identify the symptoms of a stroke. “F”代表面部下垂. " A "代表手臂无力. “S” represents slurred speech or difficulty with speaking. “T” represents it’s time to call 911 or seek immediate medical attention if anyone of these symptoms are present.


If someone’s heart has stopped beating start cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately. A good general rule to follow is if someone is unconscious or unresponsive call 911 和 campus security. While waiting on their arrival, ask if anyone is trained in CPR, so that they can administer it. 教练, 安全, 和 athletic trainers go through periodic CPR training 和 are qualified to administer.
